“Sun Mee has made a huge impact on my life.
I loved her careful & thoughtful approach to our 1:1 sessions. She introduced me to various somatic modalities that have been crucial to understanding the mind-body connection. It’s been transformative and liberating indeed.”
Jodi, American-Korean Adoptee, based in South Europe
Joined the 3-month Private Support Package and Adoptee Wellbeing Retreat
“The visceral understanding of my feelings was the missing peace in my journey. Identifying my feelings, giving them space, moving through them without feeling overpowered, … and coming out of it was the most impactful experience I’m taking away.”
Roslin, based in California, US
Adopted from Columbia
Joined the 8-week Group program and 1:1 Sessions
after working together
Inner Belonging~Joy~Healthy Relationships~New Job, …
♥︎ Sarah left people pleasing behind and landed a new, exciting job aligned with her personal AND work values.
♥︎ Kim finally stepped out of a co-dependent relationship. Today, she knows how to set healthy boundaries, and that she deserves someone who truly cares and loves her.
♥︎ Jodi feels a deep sense of rootedness within herself AND with the people and new country she moved to. She forms new healthy friendships, confidently expresses her needs, and even teaches the tools she learned to her 7-year-old son 😉
♥︎ Ana uncovered a lot of compassion for herself and reconnected with her adoptive parents. Together, we prepared her to have vulnerable conversations with them from a place of compassion instead of blame.
♥︎ Roslin isn’t afraid of her feelings any more. She knows how to hold space for them and move through without overwhelm.
“I understand that it’s scary to take the leap, but it’s so powerful. I normally struggle to be vulnerable with others, but I really felt safe and non-judged in this space Sun Mee created.”
Katie, based in CT, US
Adopted from Korea
Joined the 8-week Group program and 1:1 Sessions
Adopted from South Korea, Based in NYC, US—Multimedia Artist
I felt anxious and negative towards a lot of things in my life. I started getting exhausted by the adoptee story and the sense we’re all the same, but we’re truly very different. I haven’t seen any holistic approach or program like this and I didn’t know before that I actually needed that.
Coming out of it I feel much more positive and hopeful. I have learned tools and been able to allow myself to prioritise my self-care, and find compassion and love for myself. It’s been truly wonderful to work with Sun Mee, she allows much room to blossom and grow, and show our individual selves in a very supportive group setting.
Adopted from India, Based in Ireland—Founder: Antiracismeducation
I’ve been super stressed and my anxiety levels are sky high. Often I don’t join or feel like sharing in spaces like this because it doesn’t feel safe or more like performing, or there’s too many people.
I felt really safe from the beginning in the small and intimate group setting. I felt so positive, at ease, calm, and empowered. I felt truly seen and heard. Sun Mee, you have a lot of empathy and patience with people and their emotions. You treated us as individuals, giving each individual all the space we needed to share and listen in the group, that is really beautiful and very unique. I’m so grateful! ❤︎
Listen to Roslin’s Message to fellow adoptees
Roslin, based in California, US
Adopted from Columbia
Joined the 8-week Group program and 1:1 Sessions
Ani shares her thoughts on authenticity and trust when working together. “I fully trust you.”
Let’s work together on your growth! You are not alone.
What Jodi wants to tell fellow adoptees!