What does it mean to heal in community?

What a powerful sold-out event and deep talk in Berlin with @Koreaverband and Laure Badufle / @ravjatarstudio, co-author of the movie RETURN TO SEOUL, and @Koreaverband! I still feel the collective emotions and healing shift that we created space for. 

Returning to S(e)oul—

It was an honor and pleasure to interview Laure about her involvement in the movie and the importance of reclaiming ownership over her story. We delved into a deep talk about the adoptee experience and how we can transform our pain into purpose and heal our bodies, mind, and souls.

Thank you to all adoptees and non-adopted friends who joined us and shared their voices, questions, and some Korean food afterward!

I’ve experienced unsafe adoptee communities, but when we create a calm, safe, and holding environment in which people feel seen and safe, remarkable shifts can happen:

✔️ We express our truth.

✔️ Though our pain amplifies, we feel less alone and can move through our feelings together.

✔️ We find a sense of greater meaning and belonging.

✔️ We break vicious cycles and heal in connection with each other.

If you want to experience the power of a safe BIPOC adoptee community—join us in the NUMARU HEART SPACE!

 Warmly, Sun Mee.


Do you want feel more calm? courageous? confident? at peace? resilient? Stay updated on my journey and receive a free guided SAFE SPACE meditation!

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