How can we reclaim our roots and do we even want to?

As a transcultural adopted person, I struggled to define my identity and puzzle that missing piece of my background into a complete picture.


Learning about the third space concept by post-colonial theorist Homi J. Bhabha gave me some mental affirmation for my inner feelings. He refers to the *in-between* space between colliding cultures. A liminal space “which gives rise to something different, something new and unrecognizable, a new area of negotiation of meaning and representation.” Here, new cultural identities are formed and constantly in a state of becoming. 


I love the freedom this in-between space offers us, it requires us to take action and let go of external labels and expectations. This is a constant process, however, worth exploring!  


Here are 4 personal insights I’ve gained in my search for self and reclamation:



▶︎ I can reclaim my roots in my own way.

It is my choice, and I get to decide if I want to learn the language, gain more historical knowledge, or immerse myself in cultural activities. —Or simply not. It’s my decision and I don’t need to justify it. 
I tried to learn Korean, but I realised I can’t practice it enough and since I don’t want to move back to Korea, I don’t necessarily need to speak it. Cooking Korean food is a way that I enjoy and that I cultivate in my daily existence! 


▶︎ My roots are unknown but not lost.

I can search for my biological family, explore my cultural heritage by travelling to Korea, or connect spiritually to my ancestry and previous life. Especially the spiritual connection has allowed me to find alternative answers.



▶︎ I’m more than my cultural identity. 

Deciding NOT to reclaim my roots doesn’t mean I’m lost or incomplete.

My character, spirit, values, interests, and actions define me more than anything else. 



▶︎ I can free myself from external expectations and labels.

There is liberation, agency, and joy in the 3rd space and in-between space. Here, I can explore and embrace my wholeness. I am Korean, German, and everything between and beyond—I am simply Sun Mee.



How do you reclaim your roots?

Email me to

I’d love to hear!


Warmly, Sun Mee.




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Warmly, Sun Mee.