An immersive Group Journey to overcome self-doubt, people-pleasing patterns, and confidently belong!

For BIPOC and TRA Only!

Hey there precious you!  

Do you feel: 

~ UNSEEN in your adoptee self?

~ UNSURE how to deal with difficult emotions?

~ INSECURE about your cultural identity?

~ FEARFUL of rejection and not being good enough?


What if you could:

~ Feel SEEN and SELF-ASSURED in your identity?

~ Be CLEAR in how to release and process difficult feelings?

~ CONFIDENTLY express who you are and voice your opinions?

~ Restore INNER PEACE and discover TRUE BELONGING?

Some heartfelt feedback

Jodi shares about the positive effects on herself and others of working together.

NaomiAdopted from India / Educator at Anti-Racism Education, based in Ireland
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"I always get a boost of energy after your sessions, I feel empowered and inspired for my projects. ❤︎ Sun Mee's tailor made sessions are nurturing and receiving support from a fellow transracial adoptee is incredible and life-changing."
TamzAdoptee from Trinidad / based in London
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"The care and dedication that goes into creating the space of healing is phenomenal."
BBased in the US, wants to stay anonymous
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“Spaces like this are still new to me, so to be able to exist together and focus on turning inward, with the guidance from Sun Mee, felt revelatory. I was able to connect with my soul and spirit in a way that I'm not sure I ever have before, and it allowed me to see a part of myself that transcends the physical body and identity labels. It's a part of me that has always lived inside of me, and has always been with me, but I just wasn't able to connect to myself like this before. I'm so glad I worked with Sun Mee, because I truly feel that this is a whole other element to my journey that I had not unlocked yet."
YoungsunAdopted from South Korea / Multidisciplinary Artist, based in NYC, USA
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"Coming out of the program I feel much more positive and hopeful. I have learned tools and been able to allow myself to prioritize my self-care, and find compassion and love for myself. It’s been truly wonderful to work with Sun Mee, she allows much room to blossom and grow, and show our individual selves in a very supportive setting."
NinaAdopted from South Korea, based in Berlin, German
Senior Poeple & Culture manager
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"The exchange with you and the group was enormously enriching and I felt safe and seen. With your empathetic nature you created a safe framework in which I was able to to learn more about myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful, enriching and inspiring space, dear Sun Mee. "
Kaomi Lee
Kaomi LeeAdopted from South Korea / Journalist & Founder ADAPTED Adoptee Podcast, based in MA, USA
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“Sun Mee is very skilled at bringing the group together in a short time and creating a safe space to share. Her style is one that allows people to share as much as they feel comfortable and understanding that everyone is at different points in their respective journeys. Keep up the fantastic work! "
Nazra Adopted from India / Massage therapist
Global citizen
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“I felt safe, seen, and "worthy". I've never felt so at peace and lighthearted in my body, and I learned new ways to just "be with" myself without judgment."
AnaAna, adopted from China, based in London.
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"I can't thank you enough for our work together. I needed to prioritise my wellbeing...I've always put other people first. Adoption has impacted my life in so many ways, and I wasn't aware of how much this holistic approach helps me find back to myself... to my body, soul, and I have a much better relationship with my mind. I feel unblocked and empowered to show myself and my gifts."

 Join us for a transformative liberation journey to inner belonging!

What you’ll explore:

Click on each module to read more!

In this 80min personal assessment session, we will define your individual goals and intentions for the following weeks, so you can get the best out of the group journey.

The power of connection and shared experience will set the tone for this adoptee cohort! You will meet and get to know the other adoptee souls in our cohort and hear their stories.

We will establish safety and presence within the group.

You will learn what it means to move through liminal space and get into your personal as well as the collective energetic space. 


What are your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs? Why is it important to take care of them?
We’ll map out a plan for how you can take better care of your holistic well-being during our time together and beyond!

You will learn how to understand your nervous system states and become more aware of your triggers.
Explore somatic and mindful tools to self-regulate, access your inner resources, and cultivate compassion for self and others.

What is trapped and causing you resistance? Understand the root cause of your limiting adoptee beliefs that keep you in people-pleasing patterns. You will learn a safe and guided process to release stuck energy and we’ll create new space for what you like to invite into your life.

What is the difference between emotions, feelings, and sensations?
What is the wisdom of your adoptee emotions?
It’s time to befriend them! Learn how we can understand and feel our complex adoptee emotions.

Grief wants to be seen. The more we can see it, the less heavy it will feel. We will bring care and compassion to our losses. You will create your personal grief ritual that you can integrate into your daily life. Our collective ceremony will allow grief and joy to dance in the rhythm of life.

Shame can’t survive when we speak it out loud. We will give space to the insecurities we feel about our adoptee identities and transform them into confidence. Become clearer about your values and who is at the core of your soul and being that will anchor within. 

What makes you feel whole and seen? 
We will explore your future self-vision and what parts of yourself you want to shine more light on and share with the world. You will learn how you can set healthy holistic boundaries to ensure you have choice and agency in how you do that.

In this last group cohort,  we will celebrate  our insights and share closing reflections in the group. You will also be equipped with an integration roadmap to make sense of this group journey experience.

In this 80min personal integration session, we will deep dive and map out a personal plan for you. Assigning meaning and deep intention to your future actions is essential to stay in tune and committed to your personal vision.

Imagine that you feel …

✔︎  Safe and understood in your transracial adoptee experience 

✔︎  Supported and empowered to reclaim your identity

✔︎  Open-hearted and connected with yourself

✔︎  Confident and joyful in your adoptee growth journey

✔︎  Peaceful and calm with your feelings and inner world

✔︎  Fully self-expressed and WHOLE.


Why I offer this group journey:

Hey dear!
I’m Sun Mee, and I felt alone, fragmented, and not seen in my transracial adoptee experience.
I've dived into many healing modalities, and have created a unique 3~part process that has helped me and fellow adoptees to make peace with our stories and confidently belong!

It all starts with creating intentional space for YOU and saying YES TO YOUR ADOPTEE SELF and HEALING.

As a Korean-German Adoptee, I struggled to navigate the in-between spaces of our identities and what Belonging means to me. I was 18 years old when I looked into the mirror and started to question the person I was confronted with. Since then, I have been awakening to my own color, inner world, and trauma of separation from my origin. Who am I, and who do I actually want to be/come? — I had been in denial of how much my adoptee self was limiting my authentic expression.

COMING OUT OF THE FOG and the subconscious trauma of separation made me realize how out of touch I was with my inner world and authentic self.  After years of trying to do the work alone, reading books on identity and adoption, and practicing a lot of Self Care, I had to be real with myself—I needed PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. Cognitive therapy was helpful, but I still felt trapped in my busy mind and limiting beliefs. I started to see significant shifts in my mental, physical, and emotional health when I learned the language of my body and soul. I started to integrate mindfulness, trauma-sensitive somatic (body-based) exercisesjournalling, spiritual practices, creative expression, and compassionate inquiry into my life.

CONNECTING WITH FELLOW ADOPTEES made me realize that I’m not alone, and that I can learn so much about myself through other adoptees’ perspectives. Being validated, heard, and seen in my adoptee experience changed my self-understanding and allowed me to grow and transform with results I wouldn’t have achieved on my own.

WHEN I LIBERATED MYSELF from cultural norms, my family’s and societal expectations, I explored multiple other facets that have shaped who I am. I am more than my adoptee self! I started having a more connected and loving relationship with myself—my mind, body, and I also discovered the power of my spirit and soul.

My SELF-DISCOVERY JOURNEY allowed me to connect to my authentic expression, process my emotional complexity, release identity shame and find inner peace. I turned my struggles into strengths and into an opportunity to learn and grow—to show up in life as my true and core self

TODAY I live a fulfilled life on my terms being my own boss, thriving in my purpose and work with adoptees, and having a loving and respectful relationship with my family, partner, and selected circle of friends.

I truly believe that a peaceful and  fulfilled life is possible for YOU too, if we say YES to OURSELVES!

My mission is to support you in taking your next step and create a safe space for YOU!
I offer a trauma-sensitive and holistic pathway to liberate your adoptee self and confidently belong!

Are you curious how?


What Katie found most helpful about this program

“It’s always been hard for me to open up and feel vulnerable in front of other people, but Sun Mee created an environment that felt safe and non-judgmental. I could express myself without feeling judged or rejected.

The structure and step-by-step progress of this program have given me a range of tools and a framework I can now integrate into my daily life. It helps me process many of my emotions and struggles related to adoption. 

I felt so safe in our group and our meaningful discussions were so empowering, knowing that I’m not alone.”

What you will learn in this LIBERATION journey—
AN adoptee-proven 3~part process 



Understand your nervous system and the root causes of your emotional distress.

Learn simple and effective mindful and somatic (body-based) practices to regulate and ease your triggers. 

Build your own resiliency toolkit during our time together that you can easily integrate into your daily life, and have life-long.





Explore how to hold compassionate space for yourself, access your inner resources, and expand your healing capacity. Process and transform difficult emotions.

Overcome limiting beliefs, the fear of rejection, and people pleasing patterns



You are more than your adoptee self! 

Explore what wholeness means to YOU.

We will identify your personal values and desires and create an inspired action plan to live a fulfilled life on YOUR terms.

Reconnect and express all of who you are and reclaim your authentic self!


❤︎​ What's included?

Here's what you'll receive in this journey
  • 8x WEEKLY GROUP SESSIONS à 90min on Zoom
  • 2x Private Prep & Integrations Sesssions à 80min on Zoom
  • 8x VIDEO TRAININGS to watch on your own time (life time access)
  • 24/7 Weekday support via our Group Chat
  • Personal INTEGRATION WORKBOOK for each week
  • Access to a library of FREE resources with HOLISTIC tools to build your RESILIENCY TOOLKIT
  • Access to the NUMARU COMMUNITY Membership
  • BONUS: 2xPrivate Sessions (Prep + Integration Session a 80min)


What Jodi wants to tell fellow adoptees who are hesitant to take this step!

Naomi McKay
Naomi McKayAdopted from India / Educator at Anti-Racism Education, based in Ireland
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"I always get a boost of energy after your sessions, I feel empowered and inspired for my projects. ❤︎ Sun Mee's tailor made sessions are nurturing and receiving support from a fellow transracial adoptee is incredible and life-changing."
TamzAdoptee from Trinidad / based in London
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"The care and dedication that goes into creating the space of healing is phenomenal."
JodiAdopted from South Korea / based in South Europe
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“Sun Mee has made a huge impact on my life. She introduced me to various somatic modalities that have been crucial to releasing trauma and understanding the mind-body connection. A positive shift has taken place within myself. Liberating, indeed!”
NinaAdopted from South Korea, based in Berlin, German
Senior Poeple & Culture manager
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"The exchange with you was enormously enriching and I felt safe and seen. With your empathetic nature you created a safe framework in which I was able to to learn more about myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful, enriching and inspiring space, dear Sun Mee. "
YoungsunAdopted from South Korea / Multidisciplinary Artist, based in NYC, USA
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"Sun Mee's care and the amount of attention she gives to the program and to us as individuals is unique and very authentic. The whole pace of the program is very gentle and build with compassion, but it is planned out in a way that I learned everything I needed."

⁀➷ These transformations have been possible for fellow adoptees after working together—Once we overcome our fears and know who we are, we are more confident expressing ourselves, and attract what we deserve! 

    • Jodi feels a deep sense of rootedness within herself, AND to the people and new country she moved to!
      She formed new healthy friendshipsconfidently expresses her needs to her husband, and even teaches the tools she learned to her 7 year old son 😉


    • Sarah left people pleasing behind and landed a new exciting job that is aligned with her personal AND work values.


    • Kim stepped out of a co-dependant relationship, knowing she deserved someone who truly cares and loves her.


    • Ana uncovered a lot of compassion for herself and reconnected with her adoptive parents. Together, we prepared her to have vulnerable conversations with them from a place of love instead of blame

⁀➷ Imagine what is possible for you too!


For all transcultural, international, BIPOC adoptees who identify as female or genderqueer/non-binary—and who are ready to:

  • Reclaim their voice
  • Take agency over their healing and growth
  • Overcome self-doubt and people-pleasing patterns
  • Desire to learn holistic tools to process difficult emotions
  • Seek honest community 
  • Explore their wholeness

Fellow transcultural, international, BIPOC adoptee sisters from Europe and the US. 

I will interview all interested participants to ensure the right energies come together. It’s important to me that everyone feels safe and seen, and that we create a  safe and special container of care! 

This has always worked out well in the past, and many adoptees have become friends and are still in touch after the NUMARU group program.

Integration is an integral part of the healing journey. This Integration Workbook allows you to make sense of your insights from the session. It includes a description of each Somatic/Mindful/Creative practice that I will guide you through in our session along with some individualized prompts. So, you will walk away with a documentation of your learnings and a compilation of all practices, which will help you to remember and apply to your daily life—even after the journey together! 

Previous clients/adoptees loved this integration workbook, which has helped them integrate all insights and create lasting change!

You have the option to join the Saturday OR weekday cohort, we will define a weekday that works for everyone.

Sessions will last ca. 90min and be held on Zoom.

Sessions will only be recorded if someone can’t make it to a live call.

This offer gives you access to the NUMARU HEART SPACE APP, adoptee resources, and special events.

Join our international community of like-minded BIPoC/transracial adoptees in an add-free and safe platform and app. Read more here.

Please email me and I’m happy to clarify any other questions: or message me via Telegram or Whatsapp +49 15739194046


Click here to book a call with me and see if you’re a match for our group! 

I’ll answer any questions you have!

Warmly, Sun Mee


About Sun Mee 

Sun Mee is a Korean-German adoptee, certified trauma-sensitive Coach, and Founder of NUMARU— An international community and emotional support platform for transracial/BIPOC adoptees. She was adopted at 3.5 yrs and raised in South Germany. NUMARU results from her journey of transforming her adoptee’s pain into purpose with a mission to create safe spaces and to offer a trauma-sensitive and open-hearted pathway to healing. She works internationally with individuals, groups, NGOs, and cultural organizations and has helped hundreds of adoptees to process their emotions, reclaim their sense of self, and confidently belong. Her story has been featured in international media outlets in the US, UK, Australia, and Germany. She is based in Berlin with her husband and values an eco-conscious and mindful lifestyle, nature, creativity, intuitive cooking, gardening, and DIY crafts.

JodiAdopted from South Korea / Data Analyst, based in South Europe
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“Sun Mee has made a huge impact on my life. I loved her careful & thoughtful approach to our 1:1 sessions. She introduced me to various somatic modalities that have been crucial to releasing trauma and understanding the mind-body connection. A positive shift has taken place within myself. It’s been transformative and liberating indeed.”
Young Sun
Young SunAdopted from South Korea / Multidisciplinary Artist, based in NYC, USA
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"I haven’t seen any holistic approach or program like this and I didn’t know before that I actually needed that. Coming out of it I feel much more positive and hopeful. I have learned tools and been able to allow myself to prioritise my self care, and find compassion and love for myself."
TamzAdoptee from Trinidad / based in London
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"The care and dedication that goes into creating the space of healing is phenomenal.
Naomi McKay
Naomi McKayAdopted from India / Educator at Anti-Racism Education, based in Ireland
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"I always get a boost of energy after the sessions, I feel empwered and inspired for my projects ❤︎ Sun Mee's tailor made private sessions are nurturing and receiving support from a fellow transracial adoptee is incredible and life-changing."
Kaomi Lee
Kaomi LeeAdopted from South Korea / Journalist & Founder ADAPTED Adoptee Podcast, based in MA, USA
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“Sun Mee is very skilled at bringing the group together in a short time and creating a safe space to share. Her style is one that allows people to share as much as they feel comfortable and understanding that everyone is at different points in their respective journeys. Keep up the fantastic work! "
Sarah Guimond
Sarah GuimondAdopted from Peru / Co-Founder Rewriting Adoption
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"Sun Mee does a great job creating a safe space for adoptees and constructs meaningful conversations that help us in our jourenys. Thank you for the space. 💙
BBased in the US
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"Spaces like this are still new to me, so to be able to exist together and focus on turning inward, with the guidance from Sun Mee, felt revelatory. I was able to connect with my soul and spirit in a way that I'm not sure I ever have before, and it allowed me to see a part of myself that transcends the physical body and identity labels. I'm so glad I worked with Sun Mee, because I truly feel that this is a whole other element to my journey that I had not unlocked yet."
Hwa Jung
Hwa JungAdopted from South Korea / Photographer, based in Berlin, Germany
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“The whole time I felt like I was in a safe space. You did so great! It was an important message for me that I can truly belong to myself. "
LeahAdopted from China, Based in Arkansa, US
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"This session with Sun Mee was so helpful in allowing myself to take some time and space to be with myself. I don't often make intentional time for somatics and thinking about my own wellbeing, so this was an impactful space to be able to do some of that. Sun Mee's gentle, calming, and holistic presence helps to create a welcoming and warm environment to connect with myself."
Mai-LiAdopted from Korea, based in Portland, US
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"Sun Mee is warm, kind, and knowledgeable. She is able to share information, tools, and resources in a variety of ways so folks can take what works for them. Her gentleness and empathy creates a special space for adoptee healing."
YoungsunAdopted from South Korea / Multidisciplinary Artist, based in NYC, USA
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"Sun Mee's care and the amount of attention she gives to the program and to us as individuals is unique and very authentic.You actually pay attention to my needs and what I’m searching for in working together. The whole pace of the program is very gentle and build with compassion. There is no rush but it is planned out in a way that I learned everything I needed."
EmilyAdopted from South Korea / Based in Boston, USA
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"SunMee offers a safe space led with compassion, comfort & connection. There is time to share, to ground & to reflect. It is so healing to share this space with other TRA’s. I walk away feeling a felt sense of connection to myself & to my community. Which is such a gift!"